Thursday, November 26, 2009

Boston Baked Beans

Mom has arrived with supplies, the beans are up and I've got crappy daytime TV on. Let the gossiping begin!


550g smoked streaky bacon
6 cans canneloni beans
3 Large onions
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup maple syrup (or molasses)
2 tbsp dry mustard

This is a slow-cooker recipe so just chop up your bacon and onions and bung all of the ingredients into the slow-cooker. Taste for flavour in 6 hours.

Also, when opening the cans of beans, watch out for kamikaze cats who equate all cans being opened with being fed.


T Byro said...

Smoked streaky bacon? Is that like the slab bacon I get from my butcher?

Asti said...

Yes but cut into small lardons.